Crystallographic Resources at Otterbein University
X-ray crystallography is a powerful method for determining the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in all types of crystalline solids. These materials are designed to help students understand various aspects of crystallography and crystallographic symmetry.
Visualization/Teaching Tools
- Structures and Unit Cells of Ionic Materials - a completely new site for visualization of crystalline materials
- Space Group Visualization - an updated version of the space groups website
- FFT / Diffraction Simulation - an interactive diffraction simulation
- Crystallographic Point Groups - a “decorated solid” illustration of the 32 crystallographic point groups
Other Recent Additions:
Additional pages have been added detailing the X-ray facilities available at Otterbein and selected crystal structures determined together with undergraduate (and high school) students. Resources include 3D-printable files of unit cell representations and other useful links and materials.